Agencias de viaje

1. Inspiración y planificación

Punto de partida

El cliente aún no tiene una decisión clara y busca inspiración para planificar su viaje. 

Punto de partida

The client has not yet made a clear decision and is seeking inspiration to plan their trip.

Punto de partida

The client has not yet made a clear decision and is seeking inspiration to plan their trip.

Caso de uso

Un cliente explora un destino turístico virtualmente antes de decidir el itinerario. 

Caso de uso

A client explores a tourist destination virtually before deciding on the itinerary.

Caso de uso

A client explores a tourist destination virtually before deciding on the itinerary.

1. Mixed y Spatial Reality

El cliente utiliza entornos inmersivos ( Realidad Mixta y Navegación Disruptiva) que le permiten explorar destinos de manera visual y geográfica. Con una experiencia 3D, puede “volar” sobre el mundo (Free Orbitar) y teletransportarse visualmente a los destinos. 

1. Mixed and Spatial Reality

The client uses immersive environments (Mixed Reality and Disruptive Navigation) that allow them to explore destinations visually and geographically. With a 3D experience, they can "fly" over the world (Free Orbit) and visually teleport to destinations.

1. Mixed and Spatial Reality

The client uses immersive environments (Mixed Reality and Disruptive Navigation) that allow them to explore destinations visually and geographically. With a 3D experience, they can "fly" over the world (Free Orbit) and visually teleport to destinations.

2. Chat IA

A través de algoritmos, un agente de inteligencia artificial propone recomendaciones y genera contenido 3D relevante. 

2. Chat IA

Through algorithms, an artificial intelligence agent provides recommendations and generates relevant 3D content.

2. Chat IA

Through algorithms, an artificial intelligence agent provides recommendations and generates relevant 3D content.

3. Conexión con el Agente de Viajes

La información seleccionada por el cliente se comparte con el agente de viajes, quien puede usarla para cerrar la venta y personalizar el itinerario según las preferencias inspiradas por la experiencia inmersiva.   

3. Connection with the Travel AgentConexión con el Agente de Viajes

The information selected by the client is shared with the travel agent, who can use it to close the sale and customize the itinerary based on the preferences inspired by the immersive experience.

3. Connection with the Travel AgentConexión con el Agente de Viajes

The information selected by the client is shared with the travel agent, who can use it to close the sale and customize the itinerary based on the preferences inspired by the immersive experience.

2.Comparación y decisión

Punto de partida

El cliente está en una etapa más avanzada y necesita comparar opciones específicas antes de tomar una decisión. 

Punto de partida

The customer is ready to compare options before deciding.

Punto de partida

The customer is ready to compare options before deciding.

Caso de uso

Comparar habitaciones de hoteles o actividades en un destino para seleccionar la mejor opción. 

Caso de uso

Comparing hotel rooms or activities at a destination to select the best option.

Caso de uso

Comparing hotel rooms or activities at a destination to select the best option.

1. Contenido 3D para Comparación

El agente de viajes presenta al cliente propuestas visuales utilizando herramientas inmersivas. Estas experiencias permiten al cliente comparar opciones de manera intuitiva y visual, facilitando la toma de decisiones. 

1. 3D Content for Comparison

The travel agent presents visual proposals to the customer using immersive tools. These experiences allow the customer to compare options intuitively and visually, facilitating the decision-making process.

1. 3D Content for Comparison

The travel agent presents visual proposals to the customer using immersive tools. These experiences allow the customer to compare options intuitively and visually, facilitating the decision-making process.

2.Agente como Guía

Aunque el cliente interactúa con el contenido 3D, el agente de viajes mantiene el control del proceso, construyendo y guiando propuestas personalizadas basadas en las preferencias del cliente. 

2. Agent as Guide

While the customer interacts with the 3D content, the travel agent maintains control of the process, building and guiding personalized proposals based on the customer's preferences.

2. Agent as Guide

While the customer interacts with the 3D content, the travel agent maintains control of the process, building and guiding personalized proposals based on the customer's preferences.

3.Decisiones Guiadas

La solidez del contenido visual e interactivo refuerza la confianza del cliente en la decisión final. 

3. Guided Decisions

The strength of the visual and interactive content reinforces the customer's confidence in the final decision.

3. Guided Decisions

The strength of the visual and interactive content reinforces the customer's confidence in the final decision.

3. Loyalty & Share

Punto de partida

El cliente utiliza la agencia como un punto de encuentro para compartir experiencias y colaborar en la planificación conjunta. 

Punto de partida

The customer collaborates with the agency to plan and share experiences.

Punto de partida

The customer collaborates with the agency to plan and share experiences.

Caso de uso

Un cliente comparte recorridos virtuales con amigos o familiares, inspirándolos a reservar. 

Caso de uso

A customer shares virtual tours with friends or family, inspiring them to book.

Caso de uso

A customer shares virtual tours with friends or family, inspiring them to book.

1.Experiencias Regulares

Las agencias de viajes se convierten en centros de inspiración y colaboración donde grupos pueden reunirse para planificar juntos sus viajes, utilizando contenido inmersivo y herramientas compartidas. 

1. Regular experiences

Travel agencies become centers of inspiration and collaboration where groups can gather to plan their trips together, using immersive content and shared tools.

1. Regular experiences

Travel agencies become centers of inspiration and collaboration where groups can gather to plan their trips together, using immersive content and shared tools.

2.Compartir Experiencias

Los clientes pueden regresar para revisar y compartir experiencias visuales con otros, fomentando su lealtad a la agencia. 

2. Sharing experiences

Customers can return to review and share visual experiences with others, fostering their loyalty to the agency.ustomer interacts with the 3D content, the travel agent maintains control of the process, building and guiding personalized proposals based on the customer's preferences.

2. Sharing experiences

Customers can return to review and share visual experiences with others, fostering their loyalty to the agency.ustomer interacts with the 3D content, the travel agent maintains control of the process, building and guiding personalized proposals based on the customer's preferences.

3. Propuestas Finales

Las decisiones tomadas de manera conjunta se envían al agente, quien construye la propuesta final para cerrar la venta.

3. Final Proposals

Joint decisions are sent to the agent, who creates the final proposal to close the sale.

3. Final Proposals

Joint decisions are sent to the agent, who creates the final proposal to close the sale.

4.Intelligence & CRM

Punto de partida

El sistema utiliza los datos recopilados durante las interacciones para mejorar estrategias futuras. 

Punto de partida

The system uses data collected during interactions to improve future strategies.

Punto de partida

The system uses data collected during interactions to improve future strategies.

Caso de uso

Un cliente recibe ofertas personalizadas basadas en su comportamiento anterior y preferencias. 

Caso de uso

A customer receives personalized offers based on their previous behavior and preferences.

Caso de uso

A customer receives personalized offers based on their previous behavior and preferences.

1. Captura de Datos Implícitos y Explícitos.

Los comportamientos de los clientes, tanto en interacciones inmersivas como en decisiones finales, se convierten en datos valiosos que enriquecen los modelos predictivos de inteligencia artificial. 

1. Capture of Implicit and Explicit Data

Customer behaviors, both in immersive interactions and final decisions, become valuable data that enhance predictive artificial intelligence models.

1. Capture of Implicit and Explicit Data

Customer behaviors, both in immersive interactions and final decisions, become valuable data that enhance predictive artificial intelligence models.

2.Modelos Predictivos Personalizados

Los datos recopilados permiten crear campañas de marketing hiperpersonalizadas, que las agencias puramente online no pueden igualar. 

2. Personalized Predictive Models

The data collected enables the creation of hyper-personalized marketing campaigns that purely online agencies cannot match.

2. Personalized Predictive Models

The data collected enables the creation of hyper-personalized marketing campaigns that purely online agencies cannot match.

3.Ventaja Competitiva

Los insights posicionan a las agencias con una ventaja única en la personalización de ofertas y en la generación de ventas cruzadas, especialmente en destinos y hoteles. 

3. Competitive Advantage

These insights position agencies with a unique edge in personalizing offers and driving cross-sales, particularly for destinations and hotels.

3. Competitive Advantage

These insights position agencies with a unique edge in personalizing offers and driving cross-sales, particularly for destinations and hotels.

Inspire Experiences. Drive Results

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